40 Days of Discovery

Lent is over and Easter has come and gone, so this year's Lent challenge is technically over as well. How did it go? Well, about the same way many other things in life go: good and bad. The Good At the beginning of March when I challenged myself to follow the 40 Bags in 40 … Continue reading 40 Days of Discovery

Bring On the Change

No one likes change. Sure, some people claim to embrace it and thrive under it, but at the same time they cringe just a little inside because of it. I believe it is human nature. Change can affect people profoundly, leaving them changed themselves. It can make their life different, their views different, their feelings … Continue reading Bring On the Change

Make Monday Joyous

We are coming up on one of the most wonderful, beautiful, heart-wrenching, emotional times of the year--Christmas. I have heard so many people express sadness, emptiness, loneliness, grief, anger, and depression about Christmas lately that I'm wondering what is happening? Why all the negative feelings?  I have to admit, I'm one of those people expressing negativity. … Continue reading Make Monday Joyous